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Welcome to Pure Imagination Studio... 

a Mobile Enrichment company providing fun & engaging classes, events & camps since 1993! 

Our mission at Pure Imagination Studio is to create a safe and nurturing environment where the process of learning is creative and collaborative. Our image of a child is one of capability, potential, and competency. We strive to create learning opportunities where children and teachers can come together to explore, communicate and express themselves. 
We hold true to the belief that knowledge is learned from experiences with others. We believe that it is not only what a child learns, but also how a child learns that gives quality to the educational experience. Pure Imagination Studio uses Art, Gymnastics & Yoga to promote curiosity, encourage a child's confidence and enhance a child's development.

In one capacity or another, owner Kristi Mezick has worked with children most of her adult life. By creating Pure Imagination Studio, Kristi has continued to have the opportunity to enrich children's lives through the use of all sorts of materials and in a variety of ways with Gymnastics, Art, Cooking & Yoga! We have grown so much that we have the honor of working with these wonderful peeps each week that share our passion for teaching and exploring with children!

Info, Policies & Waivers

School Closures or Missed Classes 

We take great care to customize our sessions to your schools calendar. Classes are prorated for scheduled school holidays & events so that you are not paying for days that we are not there. Every effort will be made to accommodate any unexpected school closures by rescheduling the missed classes. As we are only at each school one time a week to teach your child, individual make up classes are not available.
Please check your school calendar for any further scheduled closures!


You may register for all sessions at once or one session at a time. Notices will be sent home to remind you of upcoming sessions one week prior to end of session.  Payment for next session is due at the end of previous session. Payments can also be made online with Pay Links in the Payment tab in the menu.

If registration is not received by the first week of session your child will not be taken to the class until payment has been received for that session. Please be prompt so that your child will not miss any of their classes. 


Clothing for Gymnastics
We will be stretching & moving so please have your child dressed in comfy clothes that they can move freely about (shorts & tees) Please try to discourage jeans, dresses, skirts & anything that dangles like belts & jewelry. Also, we do take our shoes off for our class & encourage each child to put their shoes back on by themselves (not always on the right foot!) so a pair of shoes that they can slide on & off would be great!


Clothing for Art on a Cart and Crazy Cooks
We will be getting messy in our classes! Pure Imagination will supply smocks, but please have your child dress appropriately. Clothes that can handle the wear-and tear of an artistic and messy environment are best.

Enrichments and Aftercare Waiver 
As the legal parent or guardian, you release & hold harmless Pure Imagination Studio, and its owners & operators from any & all liability, claims, demand, and causes of action what so ever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned while in or upon the premises under the control and supervision of Pure Imagination Studio it’s owners & operators.

Photo/Video Release Waiver 

As the legal parent or guardian, you give permission to Pure Imagination Studio to use photos/videos taken of your child participating in selected enrichments to be used in Newsletter emails, on this website, our Facebook page, on any marketing materials, and the like for Pure Imagination Studio.

Withdraw from Program 

If at any time you are unhappy or unsure about our program we welcome your phone calls so that we may address your concerns. However, if you still wish to withdraw your child from our program please make sure to give written notice of your intent so that we can remove your child from our roster & open the space to another child. This will also stop the billing for future sessions.

Book Your Next Event With US!

Make & Take Events!​

Starting at $250

per 1 1/2 hour!

Teacher Bios

Kristi Mezick

Founder & Instructor
of Gymnastics, Art & Cooking!

Mrs. Kristi has had the distinct honor to teach, in one form or another, the better part of her life! She has a passion for helping children find a part of themselves where they feel confidence, successful & full of pride for a newly found skill or interest. Kristi received her Early Childhood Education in Berkeley, California where she first had a taste of the joys of teaching physical education through the YMCA’s extensive youth programs with gymnastics, swim & gym programs, Mommy & Me movement classes and summer sport camps included during her 12-year employment. She has had the honor to support Special Olympic as a gymnastics coach for over 20 years & served as State Gymnastics Director for Special Olympics of Florida for 10 years. When she is not teaching she enjoys exploring new types of art & different crafts as well as making her and her husband’s home a direct reflection of their interests & passions, ever changing & evolving!

Ms. Lupe

Art and Cooking Insructor

Ms. Lupe from Chicago is married with and is a mom and grandma. She is a retired teaching assistant from ODA for 28 years, substitute teacher, spanish teacher, and teaching experience in special needs. She likes cooking, arts & crafts, and making wreaths. She loves learning so much from children and says their energy energizes her!

Ms Angeli'c

Aftercare Facilitator
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Ms. Angeli'c was born in Brevard County and now lives here with her family. She attends Booker High School with her focus on the Arts. She loves creating art while listening to music and believes that when we help children learn they reciprocate the favor by teaching us new things as well! 

Natalia Ventura Garcia

Aftercare Facilitator

You may remember Angi as a former Pure Imagination instructor and she is currently living the life of a jack of many trades ranging from teaching Yoga and Tai Chi (with swords!), to Thai Yoga Massage, and even Website Creation and Design! She re-designed this site and would love to create or help design your website too! Just reach out to Angi by clicking HERE!

Martha Herrera

Aftercare Facilitator

You may remember Angi as a former Pure Imagination instructor and she is currently living the life of a jack of many trades ranging from teaching Yoga and Tai Chi (with swords!), to Thai Yoga Massage, and even Website Creation and Design! She re-designed this site and would love to create or help design your website too! Just reach out to Angi by clicking HERE!

Angi Thai Yoga

Former Instructor
Website Designer

You may remember Angi as a former Pure Imagination instructor and she is currently living the life of a jack of many trades ranging from teaching Yoga and Tai Chi (with swords!), to Thai Yoga Massage, and even Website Creation and Design! She re-designed this site and would love to create or help design your website too! 

Ms. Brandi

Art and Cooking Insructor

Ms. Brandi from Sarasota is a 4H mom with 2 kids, pigs, and plants. Her professional background is in medical offices and child care. She likes caring for animals and ballroom dancing. She loves watching kids reactions after accomplishing new goals!

Ms. Mary

Art and Cooking Instructor

Ms. Mary is from NY and is happily married, has 3 amazing daughters and 5 grandchildren. She has taught pre-school for the last 30 years. She has a CDA in early childhood. She enjoys spending time with her family, camping, sewing, and travelling. She loves all the childrens smiling faces and how they get so excited when taught something new!

Mrs Stacie

Aftercare Facilitator

Mrs Stacie is from Long Island, NY and is a recent transplant to our lovely city! She was a very active Sports Momma to her two now grow children, Bella and Rafael!! Take some time to chat with her about them as she is a very Proud momma! She is a true believer that every child thrives when presented with a variety of experiences as they develop their own selves. We have an opportunity to help children traverse through their unique challenges and come out the other side a more well rounded and better human! 

Ms. Iva Brode

Aftercare Facilitator

You may remember Angi as a former Pure Imagination instructor and she is currently living the life of a jack of many trades ranging from teaching Yoga and Tai Chi (with swords!), to Thai Yoga Massage, and even Website Creation and Design! She re-designed this site and would love to create or help design your website too!

Joshua Friedl

Aftercare Facilitator

Josh is from Virginia and grew up in a family surrounded by teachers. He holds a bachelor's degree in education and has worked in educational institutions for many years. In his free time, he enjoys sports, listening to music, and interacting with people. Josh loves working with children, finding joy in seeing them become independent thinkers and making a positive difference in their lives.


Want to know what people say about us?

"Kristi, I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful work you did with Collins this year!  She absolutely loved every moment she spent with you, creating beautiful art and making yummy food in your amazing RV!  When we see you driving around town, Collins is always waving to try to say hi to you.  I truly admire you for the creativity and love you share with the kids every week.  You are amazing and we are so appreciative of you and your creative magical business!  Collins will be at Miss Jodi's camp a few weeks in June and hopes to see you there.  Also, we would love to talk to you about her birthday party in November if you do birthday parties.  Let me know. Thanks, Ali Miller"


"Dear Kristi and team, Thanks so much for the wonderful year of cooking classes! My kids looked forward to going each week and now eagerly help in the kitchen at home. Your creativity with your lessons and the RV setup are really impressive.
The cookbooks are such a nice touch! They are beautiful and serve both as a great memory and resource for recipes.
I’m not sure where I’ll land next year in the way of teaching jobs. Hank will be in Kinder and Vivian in a new school for VPK, but wherever I am, I’ll shout your name from the rooftops because I would love my kids to have the opportunity to continue to learn from you. Warmly, Monica"


"P LOVES his classes, y'all do such a great job. ALL of his artwork is on our walls, and his coordination has improved immensely even through all his growth spurts! 
I also catch him doing yoga poses on his own when he's playing, it's too cute! His single leg balance has gotten so much better!!" -AF
"I just wanted to thank you for putting on such wonderful after school programs at St. Martha's. You know how much J loves art so she really looks forward to your class each week and is so proud of the creations she brings home. I was so impressed with your year-end gymnastics performance. It was very touching to see the smiles on each child's face as they performed their routines. You hosted the event in such a way that didn't compare abilities and made each child feel comfortable and take pride in his or her own accomplishments.The certificates and the picture (which is hanging on J's bedroom door knob) took you and your staff a lot of time to create. And the individual presentation of the medals with a few words about each student was so personal. The degree by which you and your team care about each student as a individual as well as your patience and time invested in the program greatly exceeded my expectations.  We can't wait to come back again next year. Many thanks!"

"What an amazing project!  Wow, I am simply blown away!  Thank you so much!  I really hope we can work with you again in the near future.  Again, thank you for the wonderful art classes you had for E.  You have broadened his horizons.
PS E. wanted me to tell you that he loves you and he loves the artwork. J"
"Thank you for the most beautiful art project this week and through the whole year. We are looking forward to another great year!  You are the best."

"You have done such a great job at encouraging art skills in RJ.  So much that he draws anytime he can, even on the beach!  Thank you so much!"


We are honored that you allow us to share what we love!

"Thanks again from your Crazy Cook Emilia!"

Contact Today!

Pure Imagination Studio

Sarasota, Florida · 941-356-4822

Don't see your school?

Call today for information about starting Pure Imagination Studio's programs at your school!

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