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Ta Da!

The finished product...

Book Your Next Event With Us!

Make & Take Events!

Starting at $250

per 1 1/2 hour!

Directors and Administrators!

Would you like to have this fun mobile studio roll up to your school?
Email us to schedule an in-person tour!​

Many of you know and are experiencing the "Covid Effect" and we here at Pure Imagination Studio are not immune. Since March of 2020 we have been in a holding pattern as the schools we partner with navigate their way through this new normal. Many are not allowing subcontractors like us in to provide our classes due to covid restrictions. This time last year we were teaching more than 300 kids a week with our 4 division and now have a total of 30 students as only 2 independent schools are allowing us in to teach.


We are have been holding tight to see how and where this new normal would lead us. We have been out of work since March 12th and keep waiting for it to be "over" ....first summer, then start of school then after the election. Now we, as are many, are tired of waiting so we have come up with a plan to hopefully meet the needs where they live ... literally! We want to be able to bring the enrichments to the neighborhoods and communities. Time for action sooooo... Our Mobile Studio idea was born.


The Idea is to be able to hold our classes where ever they are needed as we as hold outside events and adult classes too! As we have been researching and assessing our needs, we are leaning toward a Tiny House aka Mobile Cottage "Studio" to be both inviting and functional. It will have a Kitchen for our cooking classes, work space for each student, power for our various tools and sewing machines, AC for comfort and a Bathroom for the occasional and inevitable need! And it has to be super Cute! So we got to drawing and planning and visiting builders in this area and found our purpose again!


Next is the funding and who better to ask for help than all of you who know the Value of our business and want to see it continue to flourish in the coming years. As I was grappling with how to move on this, with funds depleted from the forced Covid furlough, my close friends did an amazing thing..... started a Go Fund Me campaign. I was so touched and blown away by the incredibly kind and helpful gift of support! Now it is up to me to make sure that we shout from the rooftops about this wonderful new idea and its need for financial support. If you or anyone one you know feels they can help, PLEASE share our info and this email.

Before Pics...

The Helpers...

Colorful Chalks

Older News...

Woo Hoo! We are rolling into St Martha School, Tuesday April 13th from 11am-1pm for a sneak peek preview for all the staff and teachers!

Pure Imagination Studio is now a Mobile Studio!



When we return from Spring Break we will be holding our classes in our new MOBILE STUDIO! The new rolling classroom will be parked in the St Martha parking lot across from the Zazarino Center. We will be there during the lunch hours for any and all of St Martha Staff to come and see what you have helped to build!! Starting at 11am on Tuesday April13th we will open the doors for the very first time to the school that we have been with since 1993! We feel honored to still have a wonderful partnership with all of the lovely people that make your school such a joy to be associated with! We want to say thank you for all of the support and kind words of encouragement as we navigated through this crazy past year and many before!

So come in and take a quick tour and grab a free raffle ticket for a free party event as our way of thanking you!


As for the students they will be starting classes in the new studio later that day. and Just and FYI this is how we will proceed! First we will pick up your children as usual from their classroom at 2:45 and have snack and restroom break in the Zazarino center. Then we will safely walk them out to the classroom and hold classes as usual from 3 to 4pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Our Maximum number of students is now 10. If there is more interest, we will add extra classes to accommodate all who are interested. We will still be requiring masks during classes and will be cleaning and disinfecting compliant with CDC guidelines. We will dismiss directly from our new studio. Also we will continue to take any aftercare friends off to Mrs "D".

We are so excited to start a new phase in our mobile business and

are so happy we get to do it with the Staff and Families at

St Martha and St Mary!

Contact Today!

Pure Imagination Studio

Sarasota, Florida · 941-356-4822

Don't see your school?

Call today for information about starting Pure Imagination Studio's programs at your school!

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